What is counselling? And psychotherapy?

People seek counselling for a large number of issues that are affecting their lives in some way. Whether you are going through a present crisis and you are struggling to function in the day-to-day, or you’re experiencing mental and/or emotional challenges that are holding you back from reaching your full potential, therapy may be for you.

The terms ‘counselling’ and ‘psychotherapy’ are often used interchangeably, however often ‘counselling’ usually refers to shorter-term therapy which is orientated towards achieving a specific goal, or supporting you through a specific challenge. For example, you might seek counselling for grief, relationship problems, and career-related issues. Counselling tends to be more problem-focused and solution-orientated.

Psychotherapy is generally more associated with longer-term therapy which addresses a wider range of emotional and psychological issues, including deeper seated emotional problems and long-standing patterns of behaviour. It may involve delving into your past, childhood experiences and unconscious processes to explore the roots of the problems you’re facing. Psychotherapy is recommended for helping you navigate and heal from trauma.

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How therapy can help:

Ultimately, counselling and psychotherapy aim to improve people’s quality of life through change. This helps them lead more fulfilling, satisfying, and productive lives. They can be highly effective in helping individuals address a host of psychological and emotional issues, as well as behavioural changes. Here are some of the ways therapy can help:

Emotional Understanding

You will gain more insight into your emotions, thoughts and behaviours. This will help you unlock the root causes of your emotional distress and develop healthier emotional regulation strategies.

Improved Coping Skills

You can learn new, healthier ways of coping with life’s challenges. This may include stress management techniques, communication skills and strategies for handling difficult emotions.

Meaning and Purpose

We may explore your life’s meaning and purpose so you are able to live a more purpose-driven existence.

Increased Self-Awareness

The hope in therapy is that you will be better equipped for self-reflection and self-awareness. Through increased self-understanding you may be able to make more authentic choices in your life that align with your values and beliefs.

Show up for Yourself

You will be more able to recognise patterns of self-abandonment and able to foster a better relationship with yourself.

Boundaries work

We may work to help you develop better boundaries in the areas of life you feel need working on.  

If you’re struggling, you needn’t be.

Seeking help is one of the bravest and most loving things you can do for yourself.